Friday, November 25, 2005

Japanese meal

Can you see the meal in this photo?
It's call そぼろごはん [Soboro Gohan].
そぼろ [Soboro] means break up foods (fish,meat...etc) into pieces and cooking.
ごはん [Gohan] means rice.

This foos is ground meat with say sauce taste and scrambled eggs on rice.
It's a common meal in Japan...
Is there similar meal in your country??

By the way, sorry,I forgot to write on the day...
23rd November was Japanese national holiday.
It was 勤労感謝の日 [Kinrou Kansha No Hi].
It's Lobar Thanksgiving Day.
There was origin event long time ago...
It became that name of day and 23rd November,since 1948...
As I wrote before,there are 2 national holidays in November.
You might think many national holiday in this mounth.
However,Japanese office worker difficult to get paid days-off... haha.



Hispanicus said...

I like teriyaki chiken, i like very much

okyan said...

How did you know TERIYAKI CHIKEN??
I like it too!!!

Hispanicus said...

in a japan restaurant in Washington, in 2001, i like eat food from others countries. Often I cook it at home, it works out very good.

okyan said...

I see. What sort of Japanese food in there??
Can you cook Japanese food??