Tuesday, February 28, 2006


My friend Shane came to Japan again.
And,we could around Okayama.

We went to 倉敷 [Kurashiki] .
Kurashiki is one of a city in Okayama prefecture.
←This area is we call 美観地区 [Bikan Ti(Chi?)ku].
It means keep and control the beauties of town.
Some old buildings are keeping there...
I guess that non Japanese people are interested in that area. Aren't you?

There is 備前 [Bizen] city in Okayama.
And,it's famous Bizen ware in Japan.
It was funny that the cats made from Bizen ware.
Do you like them?

There is that building in one of shrine in Kurashiki.
Actually,I'm no sure what sort of building it is.
However,I know that it's very old and traditional.
If you want to pray to God (must be Japanese. haha) something,you should go there!!

Kurashiki is a very small area.
You can around there easily.
But,it's interesting area.

Friday, February 24, 2006

At last...

Are you interested in Trino Olympic??
Japan got a gold medal today at last.
It was a figure skating.
She is 荒川静香 [Shizuka Arakawa] .
Her performance was so great. Did you see it?
We were exciting it. Because,Japan had no any medal until then...haha.

By the way,Italian newspaper said she is beautiful!!
Many Italian men like her face...
I think her face is little bit old Japanese taste.
And,perhaps European men are interested in oriental taste...righ??

Any way,The Olympic will soon be over.
You should support for your country!!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Japanese invension??

I wrote about portable game machine last post.
It's very high technology!!
I wonder these 2 new products are high technology?? haha.

It's a pillow.
You might think what's a pillow??
Look that a man. Yeah,he feels that sleep with head in woman's lap.
I guess it's kind of a dream for man...
Do you want to fall asleep with head in her lap??  

It's a golf-tee.
A girl in bikini and holding up a golf-ball.
Probably,men golf player have trouble concentrating.
But,all player use it importantly...

I like these silly invension products!!!
That's a nice idea!!!!!!
Do you like them??

made by Japanese toy company Trane.

Friday, February 17, 2006

I'm thinking...

If you are GAME Otaku (GEEK),you know more about today's post than me.
There was a announce that NINTENDO DS Lite will
come out 2nd March!!
It's a upgrade than present NINTENDO DS.
It's a just portable game machine.
It will be able to get on the NET and to see a degital TV soon. (need some extra stuff.)
Even now,it's abele to a communication with each them.
I'm not interested in GAME much...
But,I'm thinking buying it.
Because,I'm interested in some softwares for it not GAME!!
There are softwares,learning English dictionaly brain's exercise and more.
And,learning English softwares are very good for me!!
By useing it, I can learn English by reading,listening,writing (useing touch pen).
It will help me leaning English.
It's not expensive. 16,800yen!!
Sould I buy it?????

This photo is also portable GAME machine.
It's called PSP (Play Station Portable) by SONY.
It has been fighting NINTENDO DS and PSP.
So far,NINTENDO DE is win!!
I guess PSP get popular from mainly young people.
Both of machines are popular in other countries.
Have you done GAME by them before??

NINTENDO English site
This Link is Japanese. But,you can see about NINTENDO DS Lite more.Japanese NINTENDO site
Play Station Global

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Today is Valentgine's day.
I think there is difference that day Japan between other countries.
In Japan,a woman can send chocolates to a man,she attracted to...

Moreover,there is adult(?) custom.
We call 義理 [Giri] chocolate.
Giri means something bond,obligation...
Women's office worker give chocolates to men's cowoker,friends and something...
You might think a man get the wrong idea?? Man might think she loves me?? haha.
It's Okay. We know that custom. And,a lots of type chocolates in many shops in this season...
There are many many chocolates for Giri.
For exsample,cheap,funny...I'd like you to see chocolates floor at department store in this season. (It has been extending until today)
But,that custom has been not popular...

And it's chocolate boom now.
Some famous chocolate shops came mainly in Tokyo.
Many young women buy expensive it for themselfs.
So,Giri chocolate has been not poplur. haha.
←I bought this. I give you this chocolate to you!!
But,I'll eat it!! haha.

Any way,Happy Valentin's Day!!everyone

Friday, February 10, 2006

Happy News

We've got a happy news a few day ago...
Princess 紀子 [Kiko] is pregnate.
秋篠宮 Akishinomiya Imperial Prince 文仁 Fumihito and Princess Kiko have got 2 daughters now.

It's a very important that new baby is man or woman.
Because,there is a problem with title to the throne after The Prince Akishinomiya.
So far a woman can't get it.
It had been discussion about it at the Diet until that news came.
The primeminister Mr.Koizumi meant to give the title a woman.
But,now that discussion has been tabled.
A man hasn't been born in the Imperial family after Prince Akishinomiya was born for 41 years... 

Any way,it's a very happy news.
We are glad.
Moreover,it has a great impact on the Japanese economy.
One of baby's products company's stock goes up 4%!!

I know that A woman can get title to the throne in some countries.
How about your country??

Have a nice day!!

Monday, February 06, 2006


I wrtote about Setsubun at last post.
は外! [Oni Wa Soto!]」I translated that into English 「Evil sprits out!!」
But,it's in this case...
There is a character we've got a image for Oni.
This photo is Setsubun enent with many kids.
You can see red Oni and green Oni.
They are not cool Oni although. haha.

Probably,Oni was from Chinese or Buddhism idea.
And then,it became Japanese character.
・There is a horn. (or some horns)
・They are shorts with a tiger pattern. haha.
・They've got a metal rod.

We've got a lot of idioms and proverb about Oni.
For example...「鬼の目にも涙 [Oni No Me Nimo Namida]」. A literal translation is there are tears in Oni's eyes. (an unexpected)
It means Even the hard-hearted can be moved to tears...

However,it not all Oni is bad.
There are good Oni too.
Actually,there is a blue Oni character in my town.
I'll take a photo and show you...

Friday, February 03, 2006


←My mother bought these food stuffs.
Left side is a Sushi rolls, right side is roasted beans.
Why? Because,today...3rd February is 節分 [Setsubun] day.
Setsybun day is a day before setting-in of spring on the calender.
On this day,we thtow (roasted) beans as saying 「鬼は外!! [Oni Wa Soto]」(means:Evil spirits out!!) and 「福はうち!! [Huku Wa Uchi]」(means:Good fortune in!!).
And then,we pick up and eat the same number of beans as our age. (Or number of as our age plus 1)
Some home do this custom,but now mainly helding in kindergarden,primary school...etc
As for me,just ate beans. haha. (I didn't care number...)

And,we eat Sushi rolls as look to lucky direction.
This year's lucky direction is south-southeast.
This custom hold in west part of Japan,mainly...

How about try these Japanese cutom??