Thursday, June 22, 2006

handsome TOFU part Ⅱ

I wrote about 男前豆腐 [Otoko-mae Tofu] at last post.
Then I didn't know that The Tofu is popular in Japan now.

However,I went to the Tofu counter in a supermarket,the other day.
Wow!! I found a lot of Otoko-mae Tofu!!
There are many kind of Tofu foods.(processed foods) Although my town is not big...

I bought ↑this Tofu.
It's called 風に吹かれて豆腐屋ジョニー [Kaze Ni Hukarete Tofu-ya Johnny] .
It means Johnny of Tofu shop is blown the wind.
haha...It's very funny name!!!
Actually,Johnny is Bos of the company.his interview (Japanese)
And,this Tofu packeage shape is interesting.
I've never seen a long and narrow shape packeage!!!!!

It's not just interesting,funny.
Otoko-mae Tofu is very yummy,yummy!!!
If you live in Japan or coming,you should try to eat it!!!

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