Monday, February 06, 2006


I wrtote about Setsubun at last post.
は外! [Oni Wa Soto!]」I translated that into English 「Evil sprits out!!」
But,it's in this case...
There is a character we've got a image for Oni.
This photo is Setsubun enent with many kids.
You can see red Oni and green Oni.
They are not cool Oni although. haha.

Probably,Oni was from Chinese or Buddhism idea.
And then,it became Japanese character.
・There is a horn. (or some horns)
・They are shorts with a tiger pattern. haha.
・They've got a metal rod.

We've got a lot of idioms and proverb about Oni.
For example...「鬼の目にも涙 [Oni No Me Nimo Namida]」. A literal translation is there are tears in Oni's eyes. (an unexpected)
It means Even the hard-hearted can be moved to tears...

However,it not all Oni is bad.
There are good Oni too.
Actually,there is a blue Oni character in my town.
I'll take a photo and show you...


Anonymous said...

You just ate the beans! That's funny!

The photos are great! I like the Red Oni best. He has beautiful eyes!!!

We have my very favourite celebration of the year coming up soon (February 28th I think). It's called Shrove Tuesday. Or, even better, Pancake Tuesday. On this day some of us make pancakes (which are like French Crepes). You can see one here:

You can have various fillings - both savoury and sweet. My favourite is traditional. I like lemon and sugar (bad for your teeth though)

When you make them it is traditional (and fun) to flip them in the air.
Sometimes they get stuck on the ceiling!

This celebration is a religious one, and although I am not religious, I still celebrate it because ... well ... I just like pancakes! A lot!!!

Love the blog by the way!

Ja mata ne.

okyan said...

Hello!! Thank you coming here.

Yeah,I ate the beans. I didn't care my age. haha.

I know Pancake Tuesday. I think it's a funny and interesting.
Traditional cutoms or events are strange often any countries. haha.
There are a lot of strange events in Japan.
I thought that Pancake is like a meal for that day.
But,I saw the your photo,it's a sweet!! Must be delicious!!
Did you cook yourself??
And,Did you draw the illustration yourself??

I wonder how will you be eating pancake in this year.
Please let me know it later.

See ya!!