Sunday, April 08, 2007

famous a governor

His name is 東国原 英夫 [Hideo Higashikokubaru].
He became a governor of Miyazaki prefecture in January.
Actually it was unexpected news for us.
Because he was a comedian as a stage name そのまんま東 [Sonomanma Higashi].
His a master was ビートたけし [Beat Takeshi].
You might know him as 北野 武 [Takeshi Kitano]. It's a film director name. (More information...Takeshi Kitano in Wikipedia)

Hideo Higashikokubaru dicided to stand for election and quit a comedian,went back to his hometown Miyazaki prefecture.
Firstly we didn't think he won... but he has been getting his hook in us.
And then he won the election.
Since then he became fanous more than he was a comedian. haha.
It's like a sensation!!
He has been very busy.
We watch him in TV nearly everyday.
Miyazaki prefecture has got many problem about financial affairs and something.
So far he can't settle about them because he works only a few months BUT he really good work for publicity Miyazaki.
He would be very great work if many tourists come to there.

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