Monday, December 26, 2005

Changing postbox

Do you know, postbox has been changing in this season in Japan?
Usually,left side is for standard size mail and right side is for nonstandard size mail or express post.
But,now please look this photo. Can you see 「年賀状」 [Nengajyo] at left side top?
Nengajyo means a new year's (greeting) card.
In japan it more more common than Christmas card!!
This season Japanese post office is very very busy!!
So,they changed post box system and make easy to sorting.
It changed since 15th December. (Perhaps,until around 7th January.)
They gather up a lot of (GODZILLION!!!!) Nengajyo and keep until 31th December.
Then,1st January deliver all at once.
So,you might say "Why that system continue until (around) 7th January?"
Because,some people will be late for posting. I'm lazy too. haha.
Or,we got some Nengajyos from unexpecrted persons.
If so,we write Nengajyo and posting immediately.

I think it good system and custom.
Because,I look forward to get Nengajyos every year.
It's enjoyment opening letter box at 1st January!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Mazinger Z in Madrid(Spain). See weblog "Trascendentalia".

okyan said...

Thank you a information.